We're starting to enjoy a few extra hours of sunlight each day, which can only mean one thing - spring is coming! While we start to see daffodils and other beautiful flowers appear during this season, the warm temperatures will encourage the growth of garden weeds.
Being prepared and understanding how to treat the garden weeds that grow in spring is the best way to keep your garden weed-free. Today we're going to show you some of the most common spring weeds...
Common Spring Weeds
Below you can see of the more common spring weeds found in the UK, accompanied with some advice on how to best control them.

While you might think that daisies are cute little flowers, they have a way of taking over your lawn in only a few short weeks. They start to emerge around the beginning of March and can persist until autumn.
Treating them early on will help to ensure they don't overwhelm your lawn. While daisies can be pulled up by hand, you'd need to spend a good few hours on your hands and knees to get them all. Applying a herbicide is a much better option.

Unlike daisies, dandelions are not so easy on the eye. Their great at establishing themselves in your lawn and flower beds & can be a real pest to remove. Some people think the best way to remove dandelions is to carefully pry them from the ground. This method generally enables you to pull most of the root out of the soil too, but it's not always 100% effective. We all know that when dandelions heads turn to seed, they can be blown across the garden by a tiny gust of wind.
It's important that you kill the dandelions early in spring to avoid this. If in doubt, use a pair of scissors to remove the flower heads and pop them into your garden bin, this should help to control the spread.

Celandine is one of those small garden weeds that often flies under people's radars. It tends to appear in your lawn and garden during the early springtime and has small waxy leaves that make it barely noticeable... at first. After a short while, small yellow leaves (that look very similar to buttercups) will appear.
Left untreated, Celadine can colonise large portions of your lawn and garden, so treating it quickly is a must! We'd recommend speaking to a garden specialist about the best chemicals to treat celandine. Its waxy leaves mean it's not as responsive to herbicides as other weeds - so it can be tricky to kill.
Our weed, shrub and bramble clearance service
Here at Taylor Total Weed Control, we offer a wide range of services to help you keep your garden looking green, healthy and weed-free. One of our most popular services in the spring is our weed, shrub and bramble clearance service. This service helps to clear your garden of unwanted greenery so that you can cultivate it for the spring/summer months ahead. Find out more below.
Weed, Shrub and Bramble Clearance >
If you have any questions about our garden services, or if you'd like to get in touch to book a FREE garden survey, contact us now! We'll help you keep your garden looking its best all year round.