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Highly invasive and rapidly expansive, Japanese knotweed is a problematic plant to find on any property and every effort should be made to avoid the spread of this wide-reaching weed.

However, recent reports from the Wildlife Trust provide a stark reminder that preventing the spread of Japanese knotweed can oftentimes be out of our control, particularly when heavy rainfall rears its head.


Japanese knotweed flooding


In Deep Water

According to Wildlife Trust workers and volunteers, a number of previously unaffected UK nature reserves surveyed by the organisation have now been found to contain Japanese knotweed rhizomes on site.

The discovery comes after bouts of notable flooding in Wildlife Trust areas, raising concerns that flooding issues could be contributing to the spread of the notorious plant.


A Growing Issue

Rotherham’s Woodhouse Washlands nature reserve is a prime example of this and the latest notable landscape to fall victim to the Nipponese knot.

Previously knotweed free, the site was found to have knotweed present after the nearby River Rother burst its banks following a pronounced spell of flooding. As a result of the flood, Woodhouse Washlands succumbed to 1.5 metres of surface water.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs weighed in on the situation, noting that Japanese knotweed is notorious for spreading during times of flooding and that riverbanks should be monitored after bouts of prolonged heavy rainfall.


Professional Weed Removal

While prevention is often better than a cure, as seen in the example above, even the most stringent of precautionary measures can go awry if Mother Nature has her say in the matter.

Luckily, there are still a variety of ways to defend your property, even if knotweed has wormed its way on to your land and slipped by under the radar.

For an effective solution, professional knotweed removal is the best form of attack and a great way to ensure your problem is taken care of before it gets out of hand.


Knotweed Removal Specialists

With over 15 years’ industry experience in the weed removal trade, we’ve built a reputation as one of the UK’s foremost specialists in Japanese knotweed removal.

Our team of weed whacking warriors are ready, willing and more than able to untie your knotweed issues efficiently and effectively.

If you have discovered Japanese knotweed on your property, don’t stand idly by and let your unwanted guest move in on your patch. Call Taylor Weed Control now and nip it in the bud today!


For more detail on Japanese knotweed removal from Taylor Weed Control, why not drop us a line today? Call now on 029 2039 7554 or click the button below to request a FREE Japanese knotweed survey.

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Japanese knotweed is commonly viewed as an annoying pest that can ravage your garden, cripple your house price and generally run roughshod over your property.

With such devastating effects, discovering Japanese knotweed on your property is enough to drive you to drink and have you reaching for the liquor cabinet in no time.

Luckily enough, doing so could actually help you combat your knotty invaders, as Japanese knotweed can actually be used to make a variety of adult beverages!

If you have JKW on your property, why not put your garden invader on ice today with these interesting drinks you can make with Japanese knotweed.


Japanese knotweed drinks


Japanese Knotweed Vodka

Due to its uncanny likeness, Russian vine is often wrongly mistaken for Japanese knotweed. Given the existing connection, why not take that international relationship one step further by using your JKW to make a tasty vodka?

Simply chop your knotweed shoots into inch-long chunks and place in a 1-litre jar with 75cl of vodka and 225g of sugar. Shake, seal and leave for approximately a month. Strain the mixture into a bottle using a muslin cloth and reseal for future sampling at your leisure. Nostrovia!


Japanese Knotweed Gin

Perhaps the easiest option in this blog, creating Japanese knotweed-infused gin is almost too easy NOT to try.

Japanese knotweed is often compared to rhubarb for its sharp, tart flavour. These attributes make it an excellent addition to gin that’s also complimented perfectly with traditional tonic.

To infuse your gin with the knotweed flavour, chop the JKW shoots into short 1-2cm chunks, slicing enough to fill a clip-top jar. Submerge completely with your unflavoured gin of choice and leave in a cool, dark place to infuse for at least a week before straining into a sealable bottle.

For the full, organic effect, push a chopstick through a freshly cut (and washed) shoot of knotweed to create a hollow straw and serve chilled with tonic and ice.


Japanese Knotweed Tea

If backyard booze isn’t your cup of tea, maybe this next entry will be…primarily as it’s just that – tea!

A staple of Asian culture, it should come as little surprise to hear that Japanese knotweed can indeed be used to make a hearty herbal brew that’s beneficial in numerous ways. Rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, JKW is also a great source of zinc, potassium, phosphorous and manganese.

Known domestically as “Itadori” tea, it’s also rich in resveratrol, which has been known to combat bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure and protect brain function. Simply bring to the boil and simmer for 20 mins before adding sugar to taste. Can also be served chilled as a refreshing ice tea.


Other Japanese Knotweed Beverages

Proving just how versatile the demonised weed can be in terms of palatable delicacies, Japanese knotweed can even be made into beer. Imagine sitting down with one of those the next time the footy is on!

Even if knotweed beer doesn’t take your fancy, you're still not out of options in terms of liquid refreshments. With Japanese knotweed, you can turn vine into vino with Japanese knotweed wine; however, these recipes are admittedly a lot less simple and require a lot more time, effort and patience to master.


Japanese Knotweed Removal

While putting any on-site Japanese knotweed to good use is a great way to make the best of a bad situation, it’s highly unlikely that you will be able to drink JKW into submission.

If you want to rid your property of Japanese knotweed altogether, it may be worth considering professional removal services.

With over 15 years’ experience, Taylor Weed Control is fully equipped with the knowledge and expertise to get the job done once and for all.


For further details on our Japanese knotweed removal services, why not get in touch today? Call now on 029 2039 7554 or click the button below to request a FREE weed removal survey.

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Japanese knotweed has long been the worst enemy to those looking to buy and sell property in the UK, with its mere presence being enough to stop a sale dead in its tracks.

However, that could all be set to change in the near future, thanks to a pending parliamentary investigation in the works.

Parliament has urged the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to commission a new and potentially ground-breaking study on international approaches to Japanese knotweed.


japanese knotweed study


“Overly Cautious”?

The news comes following a thorough examination of the latest Japanese knotweed research by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee.

According to the examination conducted by the Committee, lenders overseas do not necessarily treat knotweed with the same degree of caution as they do domestically in the UK.

As a result of the study, the Committee voiced its concern that the UK approach was overly cautious and therefore unnecessarily damaging to homeowners and those looking to sell properties with Japanese knotweed.


Potential Impact

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has pitched the concept with the intent of using the results for further discussion and a subsequent more detailed report down the line.

Should the overall outcome confirm that the typical UK lender’s stance on Japanese knotweed is indeed “overly cautious”, it could potentially have a considerable impact on the property market as a result.


Suggestion Pending

Despite the prospective influence, such a study could have on the housing market and people’s attitudes to Japanese knotweed in general, it’s worth noting that the study has yet to be confirmed.

As of press time, the status of such an investigation is merely in the recommendation stage, with the Committee simply putting the concept forward to Defra as a suggestion.

As a result, ignoring Japanese knotweed and deeming it a non-issue as things stand is a not only a premature approach, it can also prove to be a short-sighted, risky and costly decision.


Knotweed Removal

Regardless of whether Japanese knotweed is ultimately deemed to be a serious issue or not, removal and treatment is undoubtedly the safest and smartest way to keep your property protected.

Horror stories of overrun gardens and infested landscapes are far from tall tales and we’ve seen first-hand just how devastating a Japanese knotweed infestation can be if left untreated.

At Taylor Weed Control, we have over 15 years of experience in the weed removal game and are fully equipped with the knowledge, expertise and tools of the trade necessary to rid your property of its unwanted garden guest, once and for all.



For more information on Japanese knotweed treatment or the variety of Japanese knotweed removal services at Taylor Weed Control, why not drop us a line today? Call now on 029 2039 7554 or get in touch online for a FREE Japanese knotweed survey.

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Japanese knotweed may appear to die during the cold winter months, but it's probably still alive and lying dormant beneath the soil.

Tree in winter

As the calendar cascades from shimmering summer to auburn autumn and beyond, the weather naturally starts to get colder.

In fact, as soon as the clocks go back, it's not unusual for the temperature to drop faster than a microphone at a rap battle.

While the frosty cold and bitter chill can be a stark reminder that summertime has indeed been consigned to history, it does have its perks - particularly when it comes to garden weeds.

Most garden weeds will die out during the wintertime and spend the cold months either biting the dust or kicking the bucket - either way, few tears will be shed in remembrance.

But does Japanese knotweed die off in winter as well? Let's find out...


To Have and Have Knot

Anyone unlucky enough to have fallen foul of Japanese knotweed in the first place has likely been left frustrated to the point of nausea by the relentless persistence of the wicked weed.

However, the summertime supremacy of this invasive species does recede during the winter, losing its leafy greens and taking on a far less intimidating brittle brown appearance.

While this may seem to be a welcome reprieve for gardeners, don't let this faux farewell fool you.

Battle-tested knotweed veterans will know that this is all a clever ruse, perpetrated by the pesky plant to lull you into a false sense of security.


What Lies Beneath

Though Japanese knotweed may appear to die in winter, appearances can be deceiving.

While the colour may change and the canes may recede, a death this certainly is not. Sadly, the wintertime is merely a power-nap for Japanese knotweed, and sooner or later, the plant will rear its ugly head once more.

Such a miraculous resurrection might seem almost unfathomable, but this is no miracle. Despite the frail shoots, the knotweed rhizomes remain healthy and virtually unscathed beneath the soil and merely lay dormant in the ground throughout the winter period.

As winter turns to spring, your Japanese knotweed will rise once more like a phoenix of frustration from the ashes, ready to unleash its wrath on your garden once more.


Treating Japanese Knotweed in Winter

If you have Japanese knotweed present in your garden, why not give yourself an early Christmas present and serve your unwanted guest a festive eviction notice?

At Taylor Total Weed Control, our weed-whacking warriors are armed to the teeth with an itchy trigger finger to match - they're ready, willing and able to blow your knotty no-goodnik to smithereens.

With over 15 years of experience in the weed removal game, we have the power to banish the vexatious vine from whence it came. All you have to do is ask!

Request a FREE Japanese knotweed survey

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