A full English breakfast is a thing of beauty, but eating lots of processed meats can increase our risk of developing cancer. Researchers are constantly on the hunt for ways to reduce the risks of processed meat, and have recently had a breakthrough with a Japanese knotweed extract! So, could Japanese knotweed (a plant we've all come to fear) be the secret to enjoying a fry up without fear?

Gardening is a job that needs to be done all year round. If you ease up during the autumn months, you can guarantee you'll have a jungle on your hands by the time it comes round to spring.
There's a common misconception that garden weeds only grow in the spring and summer months, but that's simply not the case. Here's why...

Gardeners across the UK will understand how difficult it is to prevent moss from appearing in your garden, but is moss dangerous? The short answer is no. Unlike fungus, moss does not produce spores or poisons that are dangerous to humans. So what's the problem with it?
While moss itself isn't dangerous, it can cause a myriad of problems if it's left to develop throughout your garden. Moss is capable of retaining moisture for a long period of time, and since moss can grow just about anywhere, moss can be a problem on your roof, your patio, your lawn... the list goes on!

Have you noticed that more and more people are talking about Japanese knotweed lately? Well, there may be a good reason for the British public's growing interest in this invasive plant - the results of a recent study by Horticulture.co.uk suggest that the number of live Japanese knotweed cases in the UK has increased significantly in recent years.
The study states that confirmed UK cases have grown by 27.91% in the last five years, but that's just a national average - the increase is actually far higher than that in certain regions. South Yorkshire tops the list with a five-year increase of 77.19%, just ahead of Hampshire (+73.24%) and West Sussex (+72.22%).
And Japanese knotweed isn't just spreading fast in England. The top ten list also includes two Welsh regions: Powys (+61.93%) and Cardiff (+53.01%). There are currently hundreds of confirmed cases in both areas.

Figuring out how to prevent weeds from growing in the first place is tricky. A lot of the time, we don't know that weeds are there until they rear their ugly heads and make their presence known. That being said, there are a few things you can do to help prevent weeds from growing.