Worried about Japanese knotweed? Book a FREE site survey and we’ll send an invasive weed specialist to take a look.
Total Weed Control
Free Knotweed Survey
call us today on 029 2039 7554

Looking through the blinds at neighbour's property

Japanese knotweed is a notoriously intrusive plant that can rock your property to its very foundation, damaging your home's value as well as its structural integrity.

However, you don't have to have it on your land for it to cause issues. A case of Japanese knotweed next door can be nearly as problematic as having knotweed present in your own garden.

If Japanese knotweed has been discovered on your next-door neighbour's property, the principal concern above all else is preventing the possibility of the knotweed spreading onto your property.

Luckily, we at Taylor Total Weed Control have you covered with our Japanese knotweed monitoring programme. It's tailor-made to keep your property protected in the event of neighbouring knotweed.


'Help! My neighbour has Japanese knotweed!'

From a legal perspective, your neighbour is under no legal obligation to remove or treat Japanese knotweed on their own property (although this can differ under Scottish law).

However, the moment the knotweed creeps over the threshold and into your land, it's effectively classed as a private nuisance. Once this breach has occurred, your neighbours are liable for legal action.

Naturally, taking legal action on a neighbour can lead to all sorts of social issues, and a knotweed-related neighbour dispute can easily turn into an unwanted headache for all parties. As such, it should be considered a last resort.

That being said, Japanese knotweed can spread all too easily, so it's important to keep your best interests protected. Keep potential knotweed drama to a minimum with a Japanese knotweed monitoring programme from Taylor Total Weed Control.


Japanese knotweed monitoring programmes

Japanese knotweed infestation can seriously damage the value of your property, so it's not an issue to be taken lightly. If you suspect your neighbour has Japanese knotweed next door, quick action can lead to an effective solution and minimise cost, damage and headaches along the way.

If you can't come to an amicable solution with your neighbours or they are simply denying that a problem exists, Taylor Total Weed Control's Japanese knotweed monitoring programme can provide your neighbour with documented evidence of Japanese knotweed on-site, highlighting to all involved that knotweed is indeed present.


Keeping you covered

Once we have identified the knotweed, we can inform your neighbours via an official letter of their legal obligation to deal with the issue, in order to prevent it from spreading to your property. This will include the knotweed-specific TA5 and TA6 property information forms.

After we've notified your neighbours, we can also conduct regular visits thereafter to check the development of the knotweed, whether your neighbour has taken action and, if so, how effectively have they dealt with the issue. This includes photographic evidence where necessary.

If your neighbour has neglected to take appropriate action or the treatment has proved ineffective and the knotweed does indeed spread to your property, your back is legally covered. The records of our TWC monitoring programmes will provide ample evidence that you took preventative actions to avoid such a situation arising and you are free to take action as needed.

For more details on our Japanese knotweed monitoring programme or additional advice on how to deal with Japanese knotweed next door, call Taylor Total Weed Control on 029 2039 7554.

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