Worried about Japanese knotweed? Book a FREE site survey and we’ll send an invasive weed specialist to take a look.
Total Weed Control
Knotweed Survey
call us today on 01639 710914

Looking for a qualified Japanese knotweed specialist in Cornwall? Get in touch to arrange a FREE survey.

Certificate of Japanese knotweed training in Cornwall

We are pleased to announce that David, our man in Cornwall, has completed his training with a local course provider and is now qualified to treat Japanese knotweed. This means that we are now able to offer professional Japanese knotweed removal in Cornwall!

Taylor Total Weed Control's Cornwall address is as follows (view on Google Maps):

17C Cliff Road

If you live in Cornwall and you've noticed this invasive plant growing on or near your property, please don't hesitate to contact us - we'll arrange a visit and advise you on what to do about your Japanese knotweed problem. Alternatively, click the link below to send us a photo so that we can take a look and confirm whether or not the plant in question really is Japanese knotweed.

Send Us a Photo >


Is there a lot of Japanese knotweed in Cornwall?

Yes, Japanese knotweed is a widespread problem in Cornwall. And you don't have to take our word for it - the Cornwall Council website says the same thing:

"In Cornwall, Japanese knotweed has become widespread. It is a significant problem making it difficult to restore or develop land. It spreads very easily from tiny parts of the plant and it is very difficult to control."

Falmouth, Penzance and St Austell are among Cornwall's main Japanese knotweed hotspots. The plant is particularly common around rivers and railway lines, but one of the reasons why knotweed has become such a big problem - both in Cornwall and elsewhere - is that it can thrive in all sorts of different places, even if growing conditions are less than ideal.

Where is Japanese Knotweed Most Likely to Grow?


How we can help with your Japanese knotweed problem

Our qualified Japanese knotweed specialists are trained to identify this pesky plant and control it in accordance with UK environmental guidance (see Japanese knotweed law in the UK).

We are registered with the Property Care Association and offer a number of different Japanese knotweed treatment programmes to suit your needs, including:

  • Herbicide application and monitoring
  • Excavation and disposal
  • Excavation and relocation, followed by herbicide application
  • Excavation and burial

Click here to view all of our treatment plans, including a price list. We are proud to offer professional Japanese knotweed removal at a reasonable cost - give us a call on 07814 926 921 if you'd like us to visit your property in Cornwall.

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