While bamboo is a popular plant for aesthetic reasons, it’s not always the best practical choice – in fact, if left unchecked, it can spread like wildfire and cause significant disruption. The unique style of the ornamental canes of bamboo have made them a popular garden addition, combined with their ability to create beautiful screens for privacy, it’s no wonder so many people want this plant in their garden.
If you’ve found yourself with bamboo running rampant, you’re probably looking for some advice for managing your bamboo growth. If that’s the case, you’re in the right place! In this blog we’ll be examining various methods of bamboo growth control. Before we get into it, there are two primary types of bamboo to know about; running bamboo and clumping bamboo.
Clumping bamboo have short and thick roots – literal clumps, whereas running bamboo (as the name suggests) have long, horizontal roots called rhizomes.
When people find themselves struggling with a bamboo management issue, running bamboo is usually the culprit. Fortunately, running bamboo can be fairly easily contained. Running bamboo rhizomes grow sideways at a depth of only 2-18 inches, so unlike other invasive species like knotweed that can grow up to 3 metres deep, bamboo roots are easy to access.
How to stop bamboo from spreading
Add a rhizome barrier
Adding a rhizome barrier - also sometimes known as a bamboo shield – is an effective and popular way to manage and control bamboo growth. Rhizome barriers work by creating a physical barrier that prevents bamboo roots from growing out of your determined areas.
Running bamboo roots are pretty frail and tend to follow the path of least resistance, so rhizome barriers are a pretty fool proof method of bamboo growth control. Running bamboo roots don’t grow very deep, usually only 2-18 inches, so the barrier doesn’t need to be dug particularly deep either.
To install a rhizome barrier, dig a trench around 2 feet away from your bamboo plants, 20 inches deep. You can remove any rhizomes growing here using either the edge of your shovel or secateurs. Add the barrier to the trench and fill back in with soil.
Root pruning
Root pruning is a slightly longer and more arduous method of controlling bamboo spread. Simply dig a trench around your plant (similar to installing a rhizome barrier) in any direction you don’t want your bamboo to grow and clip away any unwanted rhizome growth.
A benefit of root pruning is that you can be highly selective about where you allow and disallow your bamboo to grow. However, whereas rhizome barriers are something that should only ever really need to be installed once, root pruning is an ongoing treatment that doesn’t provide a lasting solution.
Hire professional help
Perhaps the best solution to stop bamboo from spreading is to hire professional bamboo management services. Hiring a professional is the best way to ensure that the job is done right first time and, that you won’t have to worry about bamboo growth in the future.
If you’re currently struggling with bamboo on your property and are on the lookout for professional bamboo management service, Taylor Total Weed Control will be happy to help! Head on over to our website to find out more about our services and how we can help you today.
Bamboo Management Services
If you have any further questions about bamboo control, our bamboo management services, or anything else, feel free to reach out and contact us today! A member of our team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Read More: Is Bamboo an Invasive Species?