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Homeowner Sues for £200,000 After Finding Japanese Knotweed on Property, image of judge signing legal papers, gavel in foreground

In 2018, Jonathan Downing brought his dream house for £700,000 in South-West London. It was everything he dreamt it would be – that is, until he found Japanese knotweed growing behind his garden shed!

After an agreement could not be reached regarding the financing of the knotweed treatment, Jonathan Downing took Jeremy Henderson - the individual who sold him the house - to court. Following a 4-year long legal battle, legal fees were racked up, leaving Henderson left to pay £32,000 in damages, £95,000 for Downing’s legal fees, and almost £100,000 of his own legal fees.


construction site - can you build on japanese knotweed?

Whether you’re a developer who has just purchased a plot of land and is looking to start construction, a homeowner who’s looking to build an extension, or any other individual looking to start construction on your land, there are several steps you need to take before you can break ground.

No-one wants to find Japanese knotweed growing on their land, but if you’ve got plans to start construction, Japanese knotweed can be especially troublesome! If you currently have knotweed present on a plot of land where you’re planning construction and you’re wondering whether or not it’s possible to still build on land, you’re in the right place!  


two people walking in heavy wind

Winter is truly upon us now, and we can all feel it! We’re buttoning up our coats and pulling down our hats to try and defend against the bitter winter winter wind.

There are many weeds that spread on the wind, their seeds being carried on the breeze to greener pastures. Weeds that spread this way include dandelions and mugwort. If you’ve found your way to this blog, you’re likely wondering if knotweed can spread on the wind this way.


text reaing can japanese knotweed grow in a house

Japanese knotweed (fallopia japonica) is known for its extensive (and troublesome) rhizome system. Knotweed roots can expand up to seven feet below ground from a visible plant. If there is knotweed growing in close proximity to your property, its possible that the knotweed has already begun to make its way beneath your house.

If you’ve found your way to this blog, it’s possible that you’re already in this situation, and you’re wondering whether or not its possible that the knotweed will grow up into your house.


gavel lying on table, japanese knotweed legal case

With more and more people taking the legal route to attempt to resolve knotweed-related conflicts, taking your case to court may seem like the obvious path to follow when faced with a potential knotweed problem.

Knotweed is a legally monitored plant under the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 and technically counts as ‘controlled waste’. The planting or spreading of knotweed can result in a £5,000 fine or 2-years in prison.


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