Worried about Japanese knotweed? Book a FREE site survey and we’ll send an invasive weed specialist to take a look.
Total Weed Control
Knotweed Survey
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Property with a garden

In a recent interview with the Daily Express, property expert Ray Harriot advised that sellers should tell the truth about Japanese knotweed on their property - even if this would complicate the transaction.


Japanese knotweed

Recent studies suggest that Japanese knotweed could be more effective than antibiotics at treating Lyme disease!

Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection that is known to cause numerous unpleasant effects including meningitis, face paralysis, heart palpitations and severe headaches. While people think that Lyme disease is fairly uncommon, there are over 365,000 new cases of it in the USA and Europe alone.


lockdown weeds

There are so many things that have been neglected because of coronavirus through no fault of their own. Sadly, weeds in public spaces are one of them! Usually, council workers would make weed control one of their top priorities in the run-up to spring/summer, but a lot of the workers have been required to provide other, more essential services so the weeds have been left to grow wild. 


Japanese knotweed

Outside of fictional works like The Day of the Triffids and Little Shop of Horrors, very few plants inspire as much dread as Japanese knotweed. This invasive weed has caused countless headaches for homeowners all over the UK, devaluing affected properties by 10 per cent on average.

And yet, as we've discussed before on this blog, Japanese knotweed is barely a problem at all in its native land. While the plant is still considered a weed in Japan, it does not have anything like the toxic reputation it has in this part of the world.


how to get rid of unwanted shrubs

If you're thinking about redesigning your garden, you might be wondering how you can strip your garden back and start a-fresh. Shrubs, like trees, become well established in your garden over time, their roots run deep into the ground and they can grow up to several metres in height and width. If you'd like to get rid of your unwanted shrubs, you're in the right place. We'll talk you through the removal process step by step so you can start working towards the garden of your dreams.


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