Worried about Japanese knotweed? Book a FREE site survey and we’ll send an invasive weed specialist to take a look.
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Knotweed Survey
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Okay, first things first, just what are perennial weeds?

As the name so accurately suggests, perennial weeds are simply troublesome vegetation that recur regeneratively time and again with a seemingly infinite frequency (i.e. perennial in nature).

These persistent little pests can be a major headache for gardeners and make for an ugly addition to an otherwise perfect flower bed. Without proper treatment, these troublesome weeds can crop up year after year like a botanical bad penny.

If knowledge is power then it’s time to take the power back, as we take a closer look at Britain’s most common perennial weeds.

 what are perennial weeds

What Perennial Weeds Are Common in the UK?

Ranging from the humble dandelion to the common buttercup, perennial weeds can come in a whole host of shapes, sizes and, of course, species.

Naturally, some are a little easier on the eye than others and sadly not all weeds will take the form of the aesthetically pleasant buttercup – which is all the more reason to give your soily squatters a speedy eviction.

Here are the five most common perennial weeds you may see in and around your garden.



Featuring long thorny stems, brambles can grow up to 2m high. While they can feature clusters of white or pink flowers during the spring/summer, they are most recognisable by their fruit – the blackberry!


Thistles are commonly found in two varieties: the spear plume and the creeping thistle. The former is relatively easy to deal with, while the latter is far more troublesome. Characterised by dark pink/purple flowers at the top of the stem, the creeping thistle is both easily spread and hard to unroot.


Boasting eye-catching white flowers, this somewhat pleasant-looking weed can be very misleading. Beneath the service, its roots can burrow very deep and are frustratingly brittle, making them almost impossible to remove whole.


Commonly used for tea, soup and even smoothies, nettles can be a helpful weed to have around – particularly if you are adventurous in the kitchen. However, they can also be potentially hazardous due to their stinging hairs and can grow wildly out of hand if left to themselves. The roots can become a tangled mess beneath the surface, while the plant itself can grow to over a metre in height.


While dock leaves are famed for their soothing qualities in neutralising nettle stings, docks are still deemed weeds themselves. If left to mature, dock seeds are produced in abundance and can spread easily. Worse still, dock seeds can survive in soil for up to half a century!

 what are perennial weeds

Dealing with Perennial Weeds

So, just how do we give these weedy perennials an everlasting burial?

Like most problems in the garden, this is one problem that can be solved by rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. If you don’t happen to have any sleeves, now's the time to get changed – ‘cos it’s time to roll them up and get in the dirt!

The most effective way to weed out these perennial pains is to go straight to the source and get to the root of the problem… that being the roots. Unfortunately, most perennials weeds have roots that spread deep and wide, so ridding your soil of its outstretched tentacles can be a tough task. Tough but not impossible.

Physically pulling them out is a wise place to start; however, this may not be possible for weeds with brittle or stubborn roots. If yanking doesn’t get the job done, another way to deal with your weedy invader is to give the area a good old-fashioned forking. If available, it’s also a good idea to use a hoe and plough thoroughly.

Outrageous innuendos aside, yanking, forking and hoeing are the holy trinity of removing/destroying most perennial weeds. If the roots aren’t removed entirely, the damage done from the trauma should break up any remains, preventing regeneration. However, it's important to remember that this is a general rule of thumb and each weed may require its own particular approach.

If you still need assistance or aren’t sure how to deal with your particular case of perennial weeds, it may be worth considering chemical warfare in the form of weedkillers; however, if this is the case, it may be easier (and safer) all round to simply call in the experts.


For more information on weedkillers, treatments and general weed removal tips, why not drop us a line or enlist our team of experts to remove your problem plants for you?

Call today on 029 2039 7554 or hit the button below to contact us for a free survey now!

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If you're a homeowner or an individual that has recently bought a piece of land or maybe you're planning on buying some land to build on, it's important for you to be aware of the laws and legalities surrounding planning permission and everybody's favourite beast from the east, Japanese knotweed! 

As Japanese knotweed is classed as an intrusive plant here in the UK, there are a number of laws that surround the eastern Asian plant which may impact on your ability to extend your house or build one altogether. To make things a little clearer, let's take a look at some of these laws and what impact that may or may not have on your chances of gaining planning permission.

Japanese knotweed and planning permission


Planning Permission with Japanese Knotweed 

For individuals considering planning permission for their property, it is essential that the checks are conducted for the presence of Japanese knotweed. If carried out and there is a suspicion that the plant is present, it is vitally important that a survey is requested by an ecological surveyor. If its presence is then confirmed, a control programme suitable for the site in which the property sits will need to be planned as part of the planning application, which includes the safe removal of the knotweed. Planning conditions to ensure the control programme is performed sufficiently should be imposed.

Planning Conditions 

Planning conditions are imposed on sites where Japanese knotweed is known to be present in order to prevent the spread of the invasive plant, which under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is an offence. Japanese knotweed is notorious for devaluing sites, as well as causing major structural damage to any buildings which may be developed on contaminated land. A management plan will need to be put into place which contains a number of the following things:

  • The objective of control action 
  • An assessment of control options
  • Criteria for completion 
  • Advice on preventing spread around site 


So, despite all of the hysteria surrounding Japanese knotweed, planning permission is still possible if found near your property! However, a stringent and effective plan to manage it must put into place before work can be carried out. 

If you have reason to believe that Japanese knotweed is present on your premises and require experienced professionals to assess and remove it, then do not hesitate to get in touch with Taylor Total Weed Control today for our expert Japanese knotweed removal services! 

Japanese Knotweed Removal > 


Any keen gardeners will have heard about Japanese knotweed supposedly having the ability to break through strong, impermeable materials like concrete. Can Japanese knotweed actually grow through concrete? Well, not exactly...

Japanese knotweed is one of the most relentless plants that will happily invade and spread through your garden, causing lots of damage as it goes. But, it's not strong enough to force its way through solid concrete slabs or walls.

That being said... Japanese knotweed is notorious for finding its way through small cracks and holes making it appear as though it has broken through all kinds of stony surfaces on its own!

The root of the problem:

Like any other plant, Japanese knotweed needs sunlight and water to grow. This means that it will take advantage of any crack or hole big enough to fit a trickle of water or a ray of sunshine down! Japanese knotweed's complex root system will send new shoots out to all of these available places, which is why our problem with this weed is so widespread. 

Getting rid of Japanese knotweed:

Unfortunately, most people's efforts to eradicate the plant themselves do not work, simply because destroying the visible plant will barely impact the complex root system underground. To tackle Japanese knotweed efficiently, you really need an expert team to deal with the weed.

Here at Taylor Weed Control, we have years of experience dealing with Japanese knotweed all over South Wales - so we're sure we can help you! Read more about our Japanese knotweed removal service here:

Japanese Knotweed Removal >

Identifying Japanese knotweed can be a challenge on its own, you may have noticed some pesky weeds poking up through the paving around your garden. If you're not sure what they are, or how to get rid of them properly, contact us for a FREE lawn survey!

Request a FREE Lawn Survey >

What is Himalayan balsam?

Himalayan Balsam is an invasive plant with easily identifiable pink or white heart-shaped flowers, that was introduced to the UK in 1839. If you've ever wandered along a riverbank, pond or lake, we guarantee you will have seen it at least once! Himalayan balsam is a fairly common and widespread weed nowadays!

The reason it's able to flourish as much as is it does is because it can survive in low-level light conditions where other plants would struggle. Generally, Himalayan balsam grows to just over 2 metres tall and can be seen flowering in the middle and end of summer.  When the seeds are ready, the Himalayan balsam's seed pods explode violently, dispersing over 800 seeds per plant, no wonder we have such a rapidly expanding problem!

How can I get rid of it?

If you want to try and control the Himalayan balsam yourself you can try cutting the plant back or pulling it up before it has a chance to seed. Of course, with Himalayan balsam growing incredibly tall and in difficult to reach places, this method can be time-consuming and often ineffective. Using this method, you'll be lucky if it takes no fewer than three years to completely get rid of the Himalayan balsam!

If you need to use something that's much more likely to eradicate the problem quickly, weedkiller is the route to take. You could opt for a contact weedkiller which is applied directly to the weeds and is unlikely to harm other plants around the Himalayan balsam. Residual weed killers are less precise and can remain in the soil for a couple of weeks after you apply them.

Because Himalayan balsam tends to grow in wet areas, special care needs to be taken when you apply any kind of weedkiller. If any weedkiller leaks into the water accidentally, it may pose a health and safety risk! Generally, the best way to choose a suitable weedkiller is to take some time to read the bottle before purchasing.

Contact Taylor Weed Control

If you don't have the time (or will power) to browse the entire weedkiller aisle to deal with your Himalayan balsam problem, why not leave it to the professionals? 

Here at Taylor Weed Control, we can help you eliminate the Himalayan balsam in no time! We use techniques and weedkillers only available to industry professionals. click the button below to fill in our enquiry form, and we'll be in contact soon!

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Football is a passionate sport: from the fans in the stands to the players on the pitch. If you’re involved in the upkeep of a football pitch, that same passion can show with the way the pitch itself is maintained. After all, a good pitch can make a big difference come kick-off time.

Here are our top five tips when it comes to football pitch maintenance.

  football pitch maintenance


According to several football pitch experts (including those associated with clubs in the Premier League), the grass on a football pitch should never be allowed to exceed 60mm in length. That means regular mowing and frequent TLC – even in the off-season.

During the playing season, the recommended grass length is between 25 and 30mm long. To achieve this, it’s recommended that your pitch has a minimum of 20 cuts per year, allowing for additional cuts to be made if the weather is good and promotes a faster rate of growth.



Fertilising your football pitch can be an effective way of ensuring it’s well maintained and continues to grow and recover healthily. An unfertilised pitch can lead to a weak pitch that recovers a slow rate – which is far from ideal during the height of the season.

However, like anything in life, too much of a good thing can quickly become bad news. Excessive use of fertiliser – particularly nitrogen – can lead to a number of problems and cause your turf to damage more easily.



As with any grassy terrain, football pitches can be susceptible to weed growth, which can be both an eye-sore for the fans and an annoyance for the players. This doesn’t just apply to the aesthetics either - a weed-free pitch also provides a better surface for the players to perform.

When it comes to weed prevention, herbicides can be a great way to ensure your pitch stays in peak condition. However, it’s worth noting that the application of agrochemicals can only be administered on your pitch by a licensed and fully-qualified professional.


Maintain and Repair

Staying on top of your pitch throughout the season can be the best way to ensure it stays in tip-top condition until the very last game. That means regular repair work and methodical care from week to week.

From applying top dressing and verti-draining to fixing divots and maintaining pitch markings, regularly tending to your ground’s needs can be the difference between a lush, green playing surface and a boggy pit of sludge.


Tough Decisions

While nobody wants to be the bad guy when it comes to sport, sometimes tough decisions need to be made for the greater good. For a groundskeeper, that can mean calling off a match if conditions aren’t ideal.

It won’t be a popular decision to make but a soaking pitch that’s been stampeded for 90 minutes by 22 players will leave behind a seriously tarnished battlefield and one that may not recover by the following week.

Another tough decision that may prove to be a good one is to outsource some of your maintenance needs. There’s no shame in knowing when you’re out of your depth and sometimes calling in an outsider to help lighten the load can be a wise call.

After all, a botched job can prove catastrophic for an impending fixture and getting it right the first time is vitally important. The football fans (and players) that attend may not be so forgiving if the pitch isn’t fit for purpose!


If you would like more info on football pitch maintenance or are looking to outsource any of your maintenance needs, drop us a line today! Call our grounds maintenance team now on 029 2039 7554 or drop us a message for a FREE quote.

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